Monday, December 25, 2006

Linksys WRT54G + Aztech DSL 906EU (streamyx)

So I bought a Linksys wireless router a few months back & took about a week to figure (and configure) things out. I took the liberty of not asking pro's about this. But these settings work just fine (for streamyx user of course).

1) Turn off the wireless router.
2) Connect to Aztech modem (and brick it).
2.1) Go to
2.2) Delete all connections, disable NAT, disable DHCP, disable DNS, etc.
2.3) Go to WAN connection
2.3.1) Create a new service
---> RFC 1483 (ethernet termination)
- VCi: 35
- VPi: 0
- LLC enable
3) Save all changes made.
4) Turn on wireless router.
5) Set internet connection type to PPPoE
-> router IP:
-> DHCP enable: DNS 1 =
DNS 2 =
6) Go to advanced routing
-> Operating mode: Gateway
Destination LAN IP:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Interface: LAN & Wireless
7) Restart the wireless router (unplug & replug the power cable).

Just a reminder...

To dual boot Linux and other operating systems (on two different harddisk).
Example: (Primary) harddisk 0 = Linux Fedora Core 5
(Secondary) harddisk 1 = Windows XP Pro.

1) Open /boot/grub/grub.conf
2) Edit
title Windows XP
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

3) Restart the computer

Another boring Sunday...

Today is so boring, I just turn on the computer all day to torrent the "Snakes On A Plane" movie and out of the blue I heard a voice telling me to create a blog and Walla!!! Here it first post.